Growing A Milestone Forest

Your Milestone Forest is creating a legacy that will last beyond this century. You have made a significant contribution to our environment through the restoration of native ecosystems, the reconnection of wildlife habitat and the protection of Country. 

To mark the anniversary of your Milestone Forest, we wanted to give you an update on the impact your forest is making.  

Positive Impacts For Wildlife

Your forest at Ledcourt includes up to 19 plant species native to the region that are helping to create a biodiverse and resilient forest.  

Koalas are known to inhabit the Grampians, however, there has not been any recorded near Ledcourt for many years due to habitat clearance. Greenfleet has planted River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis); a canopy tree that is a preferred food source for these iconic Australian animals. As these trees grow, we hope to establish potential habitat for local koala populations. 

Many wattle species were planted at Ledcourt, which are vital for the local birdlife and insects who feed on the flowers. Eucalypt species, including Yellow Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon), are helping form the forest canopy.  

The trunk of the Yellow Gums will eventually form tree hollows which provide vital habitat to mammals and invertebrates. Like wattle, the flowers of this tree will also provide a food source for local birds.  

Your Forest Update 

Throughout 2024, Greenfleet’s ongoing site monitoring at Ledcourt has demonstrated that your forest is showing signs of becoming a thriving, biodiverse forest. While your Milestone Forest is still in its establishment phase, we expect that it will become important habitat for native wildlife species in the coming years.  

Further planting has now taken place to include a rare and declining plant species as part of the unique restoration work occurring at the site. The vulnerable Buloke (Allocasuarina luehmannii) can grow up to 15 metres tall and supports a range of mammals, birds and reptiles. Existing populations are threatened by land clearing and exotic plant invasion. As this and other species grow at Ledcourt, they will diversify the ecosystem growing at this forest and help bolster the prevalence of these species in the region. 

We are proud to tell you that your forest will play a vital role in establishing refuge corridors that are essential for the local wildlife. These corridors will allow different species to move across the landscape safely finding food, shelter, and breeding opportunities.

Creating A Legacy 

Your Milestone Forest is legally protected for 100 years, and your investment will be a continuing legacy of environmental hope into the future. Thank you for making such an incredible contribution to our environment. Together, we are growing forests and growing hope.