Located on the lands of the Ngarrindjeri people, the project at Bull Creek is restoring critically endangered ecosystems north of Adelaide.  

In 2023, Greenfleet restored 14 hectares of this property with locally native plants species, creating habitat for rare and endangered wildlife that call these ecosystems home. This includes the endangered Southern Brown Bandicoot, the critically endangered Southern Emu-wren and the vulnerable Yellow-footed Antechinus. 

Location And Map

This property is located an hour south of Adelaide in South Australia. Located near remnant native vegetation, the restoration of this property will provide further wildlife habitat and conservation opportunities in the area.  

Greenfleet has over 550 legally protected forests growing in Australia and New Zealand, including other forests in South Australia. You can explore some of our other projects via our interactive map here.  

Species Selection & Revegetation Approach 

The focus of the restoration work at Bull Creek is restoring two endangered ecosystems; Peppermint Box Grassy Woodland and Kangaroo Island Narrow-leaved Mallee. To do this, 30 different locally native species were restored across the site.  

The native species mix is made up of multiple Eucalypt, Teatree and Wattle species. These include Black Paperbark (Melaleuca lanceolata), Varnish Wattle (Acacia verniciflua) and Pink Gum (Eucalyptus fasciculosa). Pink Gums can grow up to 15 metres in height and flower with pale pink buds between March and December.  

In July 2023, a group of Greenfleet’s corporate supporters joined us at Bull Creek to help plant and guard native seedlings as part of this revegetation project. The guards were used to alleviate browsing pressure and will be removed over the coming years once the trees are established.

Wildlife Habitat Restoration 

The critically endangered ecosystems in this region are home to more than 70 species of birds and other wildlife, some of which are rare and endangered. Through the restoration of this property, Greenfleet is growing habitat for many of these species including the Southern Brown Bandicoot, Heath Goanna, and the vulnerable Yellow-footed Antechinus.  

There is also a wealth of rare and endangered birds found in the region including the critically endangered Southern Emu-wren, the vulnerable Diamond Firetail, and the nationally threatened Chestnut-rumped Heathwren. This species requires thick vegetation in which to forage safely for insects, spiders and moths.  

By legally protecting the native forest, we are ensuring long-term habitat will be provided for decades to come.  

Climate Action

The forest growing at Bull Creek is legally protected for 100 years. Over that time, it will remove over 7,700 tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere. This equates to removing around 1,800 average vehicles from Australia’s roads for a whole year! 

Greenfleet uses the Full Carbon Account Model (FullCAM) to measure the carbon uptake at our revegetation sites. This model was developed by the CSIRO and is approved by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.   


14 hectares in Mt Observation, South Australia 

Planting Dates  


Species Planted 

  1. Acacia calamifolia
  2. Acacia provincialis 
  3. Acacia pycnantha 
  4. Acacia verniciflua 
  5. Allocasuarina muelleriana 
  6. Allocasuarina striata 
  7. Allocasuarina verticillata 
  8. Banksia ornata 
  9. Bursaria spinosa 
  10. Callistemon rugulosus 
  11. Callitris gracilis 
  12. Daviesia ulicifolia 
  13. Dodonoea viscosa ssp. spatulata 
  14. Eucalyptus baxteri 
  15. Eucalyptus cosmophylla 
  16. Eucalyptus fasciculosa 
  17. Eucalyptus incrassata 
  18. Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. leucoxylon 
  19. Eucalyptus odorata 
  20. Eucalyptus phenax 
  21. Hakea mitchellii 
  22. Leptospermum continentale 
  23. Leptospermum myrsinoides 
  24. Melaleuca decussata 
  25. Melaleuca lanceolata 
  26. Melaleuca uncinata 
  27. Olearia ramulosa 
  28. Pultenaea daphnoides 
  29. Pultenaea largiflorens 
  30. Xanthorrhoea semiplana