This site is located on the lands of the Jardwadjali & Djabwurung people, adjacent to the northern part of the Grampians National Park in Victoria. Previously cleared for sheep and cattle grazing, it is being restored to protected native forests. With some remnant native vegetation already present on the site, Greenfleet will work to restore the cleared areas and bolster the existing ecosystems with ground cover species.   

Location & Map 

Ledcourt is adjacent to the northern part of the Grampians National Park in Victoria. The site also adjoins Mount William Creek and this iconic region in Victoria is known for its native wildlife and birdlife. 

This is one of many native reforestation projects that Greenfleet has undertaken in Victoria since 1997. To see where some of our other projects are growing, you can explore our forest map here.  

Species Selection & Revegetation Approach

Multiple Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs) exist within the Wimmera bioregion where Ledcourt is located. Greenfleet’s revegetation approach includes species that will restore and bolster these ecosystems. There are four Woodland Ecosystems being restored at Ledcourt; Plains Grassy Woodland and Plains Woodland (which are both endangered) and Damp Sands Herb-rich Woodland and Riparian Woodland (which are both vulnerable).

In total, we have restored 19 locally native tree and plant species at Ledcourt to restore the cleared areas and strengthen the remnant vegetation with ground cover species. 

The species planted include Australian Blackwood (Acacia melnoxylon), Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa), and Yellow Box (Eucalyptus melliodora); one of multiple eucalypt species planted to help form the forest canopy. Other species planted such as Prickly Tea-tree (Leptospermum myrsinoides) will provide refuge for small birds, with the flowers becoming a nectar source for birds, insects and butterflies. 

The planting at Ledcourt is being completed with a combination of seedlings and seeds directly sown into the soil. Revegetation operations began in 2023 and will continue over the coming years to ensure the forest becomes an established, thriving ecosystem.  

Wildlife Habitat Restoration

The Grampians region is known for its picturesque views and hiking trails. The site at Ledcourt adjoins the Grampians National Park and the Mount William Creek, which is home to platypus, kangaroos, wallabies, echidnas and emus. 

While koala populations can occur in the Grampians themselves, there have not been any near Ledcourt for many years. This is due to land clearing and a reduction in their habitat and food trees. One of the canopy species Greenfleet has planted at Ledcourt is River Red Gum (Eucalytpus camaldulensis); a preferred food source for these beloved animals in Victoria.  

The forest at Ledcourt is legally protected for 100 years so this long-term restoration work will provide potential habitat to many wildlife species as the forest becomes established.  

Planting a Milestone Forest

If you are looking to celebrate an important life event sustainably, Greenfleet offers a unique way to grow a native forest and commemorate special occasions. When you invest in a Milestone Forest, your forest will be planted at Ledcourt and legally protected for 100 years.  

The establishment of a ‘Milestone Forest’ will make a significant impact towards protecting our environment. Your support will help restore biodiverse ecosystems and re-connect habitat for wildlife, including many endangered species. 

Please contact us to discuss your Milestone Forest options.  


100 hectares near the Grampians National Park in Victoria.

Planting Dates  



  1. Acacia acinacea 
  2. Acacia genistifolia 
  3. Acacia mearnsii 
  4. Acacia melanoxylon 
  5. Acacia pycnantha
  6. Allocasuarina luehmannii 
  7. Allocasuarina muelleriana 
  8. Bursaria spinosa 
  9. Callistemon rugulosus 
  10. Eucalyptus camaldulensis 
  11. Eucalyptus leucoxylon leucoxylon 
  12. Eucalyptus melliodora 
  13. Eucalyptus sabulosa 
  14. Ficinia nodosa 
  15. Hakea decurrens 
  16. Leptospermum continentale 
  17. Leptospermum myrsinoides 
  18. Leptospermum scoparium 
  19. Melaleuca decussata