Greenfleet is a leading environmental not-for-profit organisation focused on protecting our climate by restoring our forests. Since 1997, we have planted over 11 million trees to create over 550 forests in Australia and New Zealand.
We’ve delivered climate action for over 25 years on behalf of our supporters, and we are proud to have you with us as we grow our forests and grow climate hope.
Our plantings play a critical role in fighting the impacts of climate change by removing carbon emissions from the atmosphere. The forests we have planted so far will capture more than 5 million tonnes of CO2-e over their lifetime.
Our forests also provide critical habitat for our native species. Since 2021 alone we have planted over 1,000 hectares of protected habitat for our koalas and this is particularly important as koalas have recently been reclassified to Endangered in New South Wales, ACT and Queensland.
We legally protect our forests for up to 100 years so that they can grow to their full potential and have a long-term, positive impact on our climate and planet.

How Does Greenfleet Work?
Greenfleet is fully funded by hundreds of organisations and thousands of individuals, that donate and offset their emissions. By taking climate action with Greenfleet, you’ve joined a community of like-minded people committed to making a difference.
When you offset your emissions with Greenfleet, you are directly supporting the restoration of legally protected native forests that will grow to remove your emissions over their lifetime. While this helps minimise your own carbon footprint, your support also has wide-reaching benefits for the environment, for biodiversity, and for native wildlife.

What's Happening At Greenfleet Right Now?
Across Australia, our planting seasons change from state to state, but generally range from March to September each year. In 2025, we will continue to deliver climate action with reforestation projects planned in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales.
- We are expanding habitat for koalas across Victoria, New South Wales, and South-East Queensland. Work that is even more critical with the species classified as Endangered across a number of Australian states.
- We now own 6 properties in South Gippsland, expanding Greenfleet’s extensive work in the region. This year, we will continue restoring the Strzelecki Nature Link, a project made up of four properties that will create a 3.5-kilometre contiguous habitat corridor for Strzelecki koalas and other vulnerable species.
- After signing an Indigenous Land Use Agreement with Kabi Kabi people in the Sunshine Coast region of Queensland, this year we will continue working with them to revegetate land previously used for plantation planting in the Noosa Hinterland.
- See where some of Greenfleet's revegetation projects are growing across Australia and New Zealand here.

Greenfleet’s Approach To Climate Action
Greenfleet has over 25 years of experience in establishing and maintaining native biodiverse forests. Our forests protect our climate by removing carbon, restoring habitat for wildlife, and improving soil and water quality. Establishing reforestation projects represents only a part of our broader approach to climate action and ecosystem restoration.
100-Year Forest Protection
Greenfleet takes a long-term approach to climate action, recognising that native forests can take decades to reach their full potential. We legally protect each forest we restore for up to 100 years through an on-title agreement, ensuring it cannot be cut down for any reason.
Verification & Methodology
Greenfleet measures the carbon uptake at our reforestation projects using FullCAM, a model developed by the CSIRO and approved by the Australian Government. This allows us to quantify how much carbon will be removed at each of our projects on behalf of our supporters. Our carbon calculations are assured by a Federal Government-accredited carbon auditor, and our work is independently audited by Pitcher Partners.
Ongoing Forest Monitoring
When Greenfleet plants and protects a native forest, it is the first step in ensuring the forest establishes successfully. We have a comprehensive monitoring schedule in place for the first five years of growth and utilise remote monitoring throughout our forests’ lifetime. As our forests mature, we conduct biodiversity assessments to measure the impact our work on local flora and fauna. These assessments include wildlife surveys, flora surveys, acoustic monitoring, soil micro-biome and health assessments, nest box monitoring and more.
By planting and protecting native forests now, we are paving the way for a healthier planet. Thank you for supporting the work that Greenfleet does and for taking critical climate action with us.
Together we are growing our forests, and growing climate hope.