Offset Your Flight Emissions

We know that flying has a negative impact on our climate but there are many reasons that Australians need to travel. Offsetting the emissions of the flights you take is a practical and effective way to reduce your carbon footprint and join the fight against climate change.  

When you offset your flights with Greenfleet, we will plant native trees in a legally protected biodiverse forest to capture these emissions on your behalf.  

Choose Your Flights

Why Offset Flight Emissions

It is important that we all reduce our carbon footprint as much as possible through our purchase decisions, life and travel choices. However, offsetting is an effective way to manage the emissions that cannot be avoided.  

When you take a flight, the petrol and diesel fuel it uses releases carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

Offsetting the emissions of the flights you take through native forest revegetation is a cost-effective way to reduce your environmental impact and make a difference for our planet.   

Why Offset With Greenfleet

Greenfleet is a 25-year-old not for profit organisation that deliver climate action on behalf of our supporters.

  • Greenfleet plants native forests in Australia and New Zealand that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • Our forests restore native ecosystems, build habitat, and conserve biodiversity.
  • Greenfleet’s forests are legally protected for up to 100 years, so will deliver sustainable and long-term climate action for decades to come.
  • Greenfleet has thorough verification process in place for all of our carbon offsetting projects including verification by EY and auditing by Pitcher Partners.
  • As an environmental not-for-profit organisation, offsetting with Greenfleet is tax deductible in Australia.

Should I Offset With My Airline?

Generally, offsetting with airlines supports overseas carbon mitigating projects that have already been completed. This acts more as a box-ticking exercise than one that makes a genuine impact on our environment.  

When you offset with Greenfleet, you are supporting the restoration of native trees that have yet to be planted. You are directly enabling local reforestation projects to be undertaken in Australia and New Zealand. When offsetting with Greenfleet, you can rest assured that you are reducing your impact, helping fight climate change, and making a difference for our environment.  

Thank you for offsetting your flight emissions and growing climate hope with Greenfleet.